Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition, Text Revision (DSM-5-TR), is the most comprehensive, current, and critical resource for clinical practice available to today's mental health clinicians and researchers. DSM-5-TR includes the fully revised text and references, updated diagnostic criteria and ICD-10-CM codes since DSM-5 was published in 2013. It features a new disorder, Prolonged Grief Disorder, as well as codes for suicidal behavior available to all clinicians of any discipline without the requirement of any other diagnosis.
This supplement provides updated excerpts for the major and mild neurocognitive disorders across DSM-5-TR. These modifications reflect significant changes to the ICD-10-CM codes for Major and Mild Neurocognitive Disorders that went into effect on October 1, 2022, after approval by the National Center for Health Statistics. Note: For additional updates beyond November 2022, see the DSM-5-TR Update on dsm5.org.
The DSM-5-TR Neurocognitive Disorders Supplement complements the DSM-5-TR Update located on dsm5.org, where periodic updates to DSM-5-TR will be posted. The DSM-5-TR Update provides all changes and new information added to the book since its publication in March 2022.