Nyc gas leak notice

September 2024 (current)

September 2024 (current) Compare to: - No Earlier Versions - § 12-12 Form for Notices for Suspected Gas Leak Procedures.

A sample notice, as required by subdivisions (a) and (b) of 28 RCNY § 12-11 follows. The language used in the sample notice below may be used by an owner for both of the notices required by such subdivisions (a) and (b).

The law requires the owner of the premises to advise tenants that when they suspect that a gas leak has occurred, they should take the following actions:

1. Quickly open nearby doors and windows and then leave the building immediately; do not attempt to locate the leak. Do not turn on or off any electrical appliances, do not smoke or light matches or lighters, and do not use a house-phone or cell-phone within the building;

2. After leaving the building, from a safe distance away from the building, call 911 immediately to report the suspected gas leak;

3. After calling 911, call the gas service provider for this building as follows: ___________________
Provider ___________________
Number (Added City Record 9/18/2017, eff. 10/18/2017)

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