Frequently Asked Questions about Becoming a Host Family

If you have a question that isn’t answered below, send us a message!

What are the host family requirements?

Host Family Requirements

How do I host a foreign exchange student?

Here are the steps to host a student:

  1. Contact International Student Exchange and complete our host family interest form
  2. We will then send you more information regarding our host family requirements, as well as our host family application. This will allow you to tell us about your family, household and lifestyle.
  3. Since safety is our priority, every potential host family must pass a background check and home check.
  4. Once accepted, you will be able to work with a local area representative to select an exchange student.

Am I a good host family candidate?

Do you have a spare bedroom, welcoming attitude, and desire to make a positive impact in a child’s life? If so, odds are you’d make a great host family! Our host families come from all over the United States and represent the diversity that the country is known for. They live on farms, in bustling cities, and everywhere in-between. Families with children, families without children, empty nesters, and single individuals have all had successful host family experiences. Volunteer host families make the world go round!

What makes a successful host family?

While successful host families may come from all walks of life, they share many of the same traits. They are welcoming, patient, understanding, and committed to their student’s success and well-being. We’re sure you will be a great host family!

Read some tips and tricks from families that have done it!

What are the benefits of hosting an exchange student?

There are countless benefits to hosting international exchange students. Below you will find some of the great benefits that come along with being a host family.

  1. Experience and learn about a new culture
  2. Create a lifelong friend
  3. Have a positive impact on your family and local community

To read more about the impact you can have as a host family, check out awesome blog articles!

Can I get paid to host an exchange student?

No, all of our host families are volunteers. Families are eligible for a tax deduction for hosting a student. If you are looking for paid opportunities within the ISE exchange program, consider becoming an Area Representative.

For more information on the J-1 Visa program, visit

How long does the exchange program last?

Our cultural exchange programs run for 5, 10, or 12 months. The 5-month programs can start in either August or January, the 10-month program begins in August, and the 12-month program begins in January.

When is the application deadline for host families?

ASAP – the earlier you apply to be a host family, the more likely it is that you’ll find a compatible student in your area. Host families should have their application finished at least one month before the start of your program, so you have time to get to know your student a bit before his or her arrival.

What are host families financially responsible for?

ISE exchange students arrive with their own money for personal expenses, social outings, and other activities. Host families are not required to provide any cash allowance.

Read about the Rules and Policies for the students.

What do host families provide for their students?

A host family provides a bedroom, three meals a day, and – most importantly – a warm, nurturing environment to learn about American culture and to share their own.

Do host families cover medical expenses for exchange students?

No. ISE exchange students arrive with their own insurance. Any costs incurred by the student for medical care is the responsibility of the student’s natural parents or the student’s sponsoring agency.

Can I host more than one exchange student?

Yes. Some families prefer the experience of hosting two exchange students at a time. To host two students, the students must come from different countries and speak different native languages.

What are ISE exchange students like?

ISE exchange students are 15-18-year-old high school students from over 40 countries around the world. Their program acceptance is based on their English skills, demeanor, adaptability, and eagerness to experience American culture.