Leases & Rental Agreements

Having a written lease or month-to-month rental agreement that addresses the key terms of the tenancy is essential.

What Disclosures Are Landlords Required to Provide to Tenants?

What Disclosures Are Landlords Required to Provide to Tenants?

Required Landlord Disclosures Landlords who don't make the disclosures required by federal, state, and local laws might be subject to fines, lawsuits, and other penalties.

Lead Disclosures for Rental Property FAQ Landlords must disclose the presence of lead-based paint before renting or renovating property, and may be held liable for tenant health problems resulting from lead.

Mold in Rentals: Landlord Liability, Responsibility, and Prevention Learn about mold in rental units: Your landlord's liability for mold problems, how to get rid of mold, and how to prevent mold in the first place.

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Leases and Rental Agreements Basics

Leases and Rental Agreements Basics

Leases and Rental Agreements FAQ What you need to know to create a legally valid lease or rental agreement.

Ten Terms to Include in Your Lease or Rental Agreement What landlords should include in every lease and rental agreement.

Should Landlords Use a Lease or a Rental Agreement? A handshake is not enough to seal the deal between landlords and tenants—landlords need to put the terms of a rental into a writing.

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Questions About Leases and Rental Agreements

Questions About Leases and Rental Agreements

How Much Information About Utilities Should Be in a Lease? The basics on who pays for what and how to record utility payment arrangements in your lease or rental agreement.

What Does "Last Month's Rent" Really Mean? Why landlords shouldn't collect a deposit for the last month's rent.

Can Landlords Limit the Number of Occupants in a Rental Property? Landlords can set a limit to the number of people who can live in your rental—as long as you comply with all relevant housing laws.

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