Georgia Title & Escrow Company

Owner Title Insurance Policies are typically issued at a purchase and sale real estate closing. If we are handling a real estate closing, an owner's title policy will be issued in conjunction with the closing transaction along with a loan title policy, if the closing transaction involves lender financing.

In some situations, an owner's title policy may be issued in conjunction with a refinance closing. Please inquire for specifics on your particular situation ( see the help menu under Refinance Closings ).

"Standalone" Owner Title Policies – Policies issued without any accompanying closing service.

"My lender told me I can shop for title services. However, I am closing elsewhere. Can you issue my owner's title policy?"
In consumer residential closings it is rarely cost-effective for policies to be issued by a different title company than the company handling the closing. For this and a variety of other reasons, we do not issue owner policies for outside closings which we are not involved with.

"I am selling my property (closing elsewhere) and the closing agent is requiring me to produce an owner's title insurance policy. Can you sell me an owner's title insurance policy?"
We do not issue title policies outside of closings in which we are not directly involved. Additionally, if the closing agent is requiring a title policy as a condition to close, this would suggest that an existing title defect has been revealed. Without curing the underlying defect, a new title policy would contain an exception to the defect which would not resolve the matter.

Live telephone or email support is not available for matters related to standalone title policies.