How to Improve Your ACT Score By 10 Points

five students studying outside on a wooden desk filled with post its, notebooks, laptops and tablets to represent how to improve act score -image by Magoosh

Anika Manzoor

Are you trying to figure out how to improve your ACT score by 10 points? Good news—it’s definitely in your future if you’re willing to work for it! And honestly, it doesn’t take as much effort as you might think it does. As long as you are consistent and focused and you study strategically, you will see major improvements in your ACT score.

Whether you’re in the middle of your ACT prep right now or have already taken the test, this post will provide you with the tips and concrete tools that will help you stay focused, be strategic, and reach that score goal!

Check out our table of contents for a preview of each tip and click the links to learn more!

Table of Contents